hey all.
well you can try reading my blog if you want some entertainment. i update occasionally.
my life now consists of studying for finals in 2 weeks. trying to accomplish everything i put off for the term in these 2 precious weeks. so it's definitely a behemoth project, to say the least.
and i discovered that writing an anthropology paper is actually worse than a psych paper. and that's a lot to say. imagine writing a thesis statement to answer 5 questions. i keep thinking i've nailed it, only to realise that i'm off-topic again. bah.
a couple more weeks and i'll be done with one out of 2 terms. just feel like pulling out my hair.
our blog is so dead that i can't help but want to post sth... even tho it's a post on how dead the blog is but at least, you know, it helps bring the latest blog entry date to november instead of the september that's already eons ago...
clearly, i'm procrastinating revision for my finals tmr... those of you who still have finals, jia you! and the ord guys... have your lives really been that boring? post sth!
and btw, i'm gg to see ai lin in about a week's time! can't wait! =D