

hello everyone!!! orientation is already going to end... and erm like huilin, i also abit hermit... only hang out wif the s'poreans.... hopefully when the home students arrive then i'll get to make more frens from other countries...

yupz life here is still quite pleasant... although it gets abit too quiet in my room... and entertainment is either in the form of smoky parties at the student's union house... or the mp3 player in my room....

haha ermz cheryl, i didn't cry on the plane... i haven't cried yet... i think it's just me... it's not like i don't miss s'pore... but my reactions are very delayed... so if in the next few weeks, i suddenly call u guys and gals, pls dun be shocked...

oh i wanted to tell the class blog administrators that i do hav a 2 week old blog... haha www.taintedglasses.blogspot.com so can add to the links on the side... then u can find my flickr photo link from my blog... so u all can see some of the pics i took...

take care everyone... i am missing each and everyone... btw wat's wif den mother?? sounds very unflattering!! haha!!

the one with the photos

Ailin, the den mother of 04s71 left for warwick university in conventry, england on 25th september 2006, at 2320hrs, on board flight no. SQ 322.

Here are some photos of the sendoff!

trying to cook

heyhey! can anyone send me recipes for cookies, brownies, desserts? preferably easy ones since I've never baked anything before... yupz.. and xiaoyan, i still want your cheesecake recipe!! thanks! :)

the ultimate hermit

i bet i must be the biggest hermit... but i'm kind of contented being with fellow singaporeans and a few ppl fm my house. I'll just take it easy my way... chicago doesn't seem to have that much sex drugs and alcohol as the other unis... but prolly coz i've been a hermit and so I haven't really interacted enough to know... but i suppose there is some truth in it since some ppl who attended frat parties said the parties were really bad... after all, u of chicago is 'the place where fun comes to die' and we are actually proud of that! I am so totally gg to buy that t-shirt.
one thing tt i realise is that most u of c students are proud to be in chicago. they are all so proud that u of c is number one in academic performance or rigour or sth like tt... and most people want to get the u of c t-shirt or sweatshirt and wear them proudly, which is simply 'awesome' (they just keep saying awesome -_-"). I so totally can't imagine nus or ntu students doing these... most prolly won't want to be caught dead in a nus t-shirt or profess their love for nus or ntu. over here, they have no qualms about doing it. but the diff is prolly coz they got into u of c by choice and through a rigorous process whereas to us, nus and ntu seem to be designated schools to go into...

the one with the social hermit

hey peeps. mine is a much bleaker picture in comparison with debs' entry. the singaporean community here is huge and we end up hanging together all the time. i must say my social skills are so bad that i'm considering changing rooms and moving in with a chinese american coz i don't interact too much with my 3 roommates, all of whom are residents of the state of michigan.

my classes are lukewarm really. i was supposed to be ahead of them seeing that A levels gave us a good grounding in the subjects like math. and my one year of econs, however rusty, should have some considerable use. yet, my classmates seem to have endless amounts of energy. they stay awake in class(as opposed to our uniform reactions of sleeping throughout lessons) and ask questions. making me feel like i have a brain the size of a pea. they really bear witness to the fact that morning showers are necessary to wake one up and that coffee is needed to survive.
i'm in sociology, korean, math and econs. and tomorrow(friday) is going to be a massively long day. the longest of my whole week.

i've attended the equivalent of a CCA fair here. it's called festifall. i'm interested in singing for the church choir or bcoming a catechist, ninjitsu, ballroom dancing(there are actually sufficient guys such that i don't have to dance the guys' roles), helping out at a house for cancer patients, campaigning with LINK(Liberty In North Korea) and of course the Singapore Students Association. i may even try out for a play or something.

gotta run now.

Sunny California whee~

Hi everyone! Haven't posted since last year. :P But i'm here to tell you stuff abt the land of the free too!

It's actually pretty hot here, even tho summer's ending. Sometimes it feels even hotter than in SG cos there's less trees and shade and everything's all heated up.
I haven't met anyone from SG yet. I was at orientation and the speaker said "shout out where you're from!" So i went "Singapore!" and everyone was like "oooooo!"

So yes i'm by myself. :< Possibly the 2nd most cheena person there. Well at least i got to meet some american students. Alot of them are friendly and tons of fun. I got a mexican roomie for orientation and she intro-ed me to some other friends. We ended up driving out to town for supper. So fun! And there's all these girls i met who say "like" every 2 seconds or something when they talk.

People are also alot more liberal here. On the last night i got "invited" down to some thingie in someone else's room where people were basically boasting about getting wasted and high on illegal substances and laughing at sex jokes. Ok so some of the jokes were funny, but i never smoked pot or anything before so i couldn't relate to most of it at all. >__> There was even an official presentation about how to properly prepare and put on condoms such that the "experience" was more pleasurable. I feel so conservative. Can you imagine having that in HC?

Hope everyone's doing great. Cya around!

determination of a champion

The champion hereby announced that she has decided to take up swimming lessons in Chicago! *haha* and she urged all other champions to take up swimming too! (just so she knows that someone else is struggling to swim too =P) nah.. heh... Alex tan shall be so proud of me.. while he's gloating away somewhere in obs... urgh...

Anyway, yupz... I originally wanted to flail my way through the 4 breadths in chicago to pass my swimming test coz it's not worth it to spend time learning swimming when I can technically swim. But it just so happens that I have this overwhelming fear of drowning that actually facilitates my drowning, which is what happened today. Went swimming with Ai Lin today at bishan and can officially swim one breadth now. but while trying to swim 2 breadths consecutively, I kind of can't regulate my breathing and started to panick since the water is above my head (why can't i grow taller?) and i can't just stand up to breathe. And so the vicious cycle of gulping water and panicking intensifies... Dear Ai Lin tried to save me but I seem to be trying to drown her in the process. *dots* Yupz, AL, I still feel terrible for pushing you... =S This lifeguard uncle saved me in the end (after repeatedly asking if we are alright and me having to shake my head repeatedly -_-") and all the other uncles resting in the pool stared at us when we walked to the office to fill in this accident report form. urgh...

...random ramblings since our blog is kinda quiet... but anyway, to all would-be parents out there: send your kids to swimming lessons or push them into the pool.. whatever.. just make sure they know how to swim by the time they reach teenhood. >.<

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